The Story Behind New Mother's Blend

Dr. Bishop was a practicing OB/GYN with a PhD in Pharmacology & Biochemistry. He specialized in serious female problems and conception challenges.

Dr. David F. Davenport, a Board Certified Nutritionist, with a DVM and MS in Nutrition, was trying to start a family and wanted his wife to have the best nutrition and health aid.

Dr. J. Eric Martin, a Board Certified Nutritionist, with a DVM and MS in Nutrition, was trying to start a family, was having some challenges, and also wanted his wife to have the optimum health aid.

When the latter two doctors' wives were given samples (and a prescription for) the "normal" prenatal vitamins by their OB/GYN's, Dr. Davenport and Dr. Martin nearly fell over reading the ingredient lists and marketing materials – laughing at the ridiculousness, but also very worried. If these were supposed to be the best, there was a big problem! Based on what they had learned in years of schooling and practice, they knew that there had to something better.

These three doctors teamed up to meticulously evaluate every popular prenatal formula on the market. The result was that they couldn't find even one that was nutritionally sound, that took into account the total health of the body, the facts of bioavailability, proven scientific research, and the needs of a busy working mother-to-be who doesn't usually have the time to eat three "square" (nutritionally balanced) meals a day. Upon seeing this, the doctors of MD's Choice came up with New Mother's Blend™ that, when combined with Young Women's Formula, supplies all the broad-spectrum nutritional needs for the average new mother with the average diet.

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